(Ambika) Methi Masala Khakhra 200g

SKU: 46036
¥184 without tax
¥199 with tax ¥229you save ¥30
Ambika Methi Masala Khakhra is a thin cracker made using wheat flour, fenugreek leaves, spices, salt and vegetable oil. Khakhra is a Gujarati & Rajasthani ready to eat, wheat based snack and is very healthy and tasty. This is simple and easy to prepare. Wheat flour, fenugreek leaves, spices, salt, oil & water are mixed together and kneaded to make a soft dough. This dough is then rolled into small balls and flattened. These are then roasted over slow heat and pressed via wooden press, until crisp and light brown in color. It is served usually during breakfast and can be consumed with Ambika mango pickle or Ambika lime pickle.

Why Ambika
Ambika Methi Masala Khakhra is hygienically packed, free from artificial color, flavor and preservatives.

Where to use
Ambika Methi Masala Khakhra is a snack item which has a crispy texture. It is served usually during breakfast. It can be consumed with Ghee or Ambika Mango Chutney or Ambika Rajasthani Pickles.

Wheat is a good source of fibre.

Also Known as
Diet Indian Bread, Crispbread, Whole Wheat crisps
Expiry Date:-2024-08-31

原産国, インド
原材料, 小麦粉、パーム油、食塩、赤とうがらし、フェヌグリーク、ターメリック

原材料に含まれるアレルギー物質 (28品目中):小麦


46036 (Ambika) Khakhra (Methi Masala) 200g
名称 :スナック菓子 (カーカラ)
栄養成分表示 (100g当たり)
熱量 :456.5kcal
たんぱく質 :9.9g
脂質 :16.5g
炭水化物 :66.2g
食塩相当量 :1.5g

保存方法, 直射日光・高温多湿を避け涼しいところで保管して下さい。開封後はしっかり密閉保管の上お早めにお召し上がり下さい。

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