Contact us

For inquiries, please contact us by email or by clicking the chat bubble at the bottom right of this site.
We have not set up a telephone enquiry desk.

Before making a inquiry, please check here first. ➡ FAQ

★Most Common Inquiries

・When will my order arrive?
➡Orders placed before 3pm will be shipped on the next business day.
*Closed on Sundays and holidays
(Example1: Orders placed after 3pm on Friday will be shipped on Monday.)
(Example2: Orders placed after 3pm on Sunday will be shipped on Tuesday.)

①Check the time of receipt of your order completion email to see when your order will be shipped.
(Orders placed before 3pm will be shipped on the next business day. *Closed on Sundays and holidays)
②Delivery will take 1-3 days depending on the region after shipping.

Tokyo, Ibaraki, Yamanashi, Osaka, Kyoto, Aichi, etc. →Delivered the day after shipping
Hokkaido, Aomori, Okayama, Kochi, Fukuoka, etc. →Delivered two days after shipping
Okinawa →Delivered within 3 days from shipping
For other prefectures, please check here →About delivery
・Can I change/cancel my order?
Once the order is confirmed, the data is sent to our external warehouse.
No changes or cancellations can be made, irrespective of whether the order has already been shipped.

・Some of the items I ordered have not arrived.
➡Sagawa Express uses separate transport vehicles to deliver dry, frozen, and fresh items. Delivery times are not the same.
Please check the status using the waybill number listed in the shipping completion email.

・Please send a receipt
➡We do not issue receipts.
For cash on delivery payments, The Sagawa Express slip is the correct receipt, and for card payments, please use the statement of charges.

* We have not set up a telephone enquiry desk.
* Before making a inquiry, please check here first. ➡ FAQ
* When making inquiries, please state your name and order number.
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (JST)
Saturday - Sunday&Public holidays: Closed

*We receive a lot of inquiries after holidays and at the end and beginning of the month.
Please note that it may take several days to a week for us to respond.
*Depending on the content of your inquiry, we may not be able to reply.
*Please refrain from reproducing, reusing, or copying all or part of the email we have sent you.