(Moms choice) Vermicelli Small 175g

SKU: 17028
¥272 without tax
¥294 with tax

Vermicelli is made from refined wheat flour. It is made with a special process that ensures it is non-sticky and does not form lumps. Vermicelli does not have much flavor of its own, but readily absorbs the flavors of whatever ingredients it is cooked with. Owing to their lack of flavor, they can be added to any dish for an exotic touch. Make creamy sweet kheer, savory upma or toss it with boiled vegetables for a wholesome pulao.


原産国, インド
原材料, 小麦粉

(17028)(Moms choice)Very fine spaghetti Vermicelli Small 175g
栄養成分表示 (100g当たり)
熱量: 353kcal
たんぱく質 : 10.5g
脂質: 1g
炭水化物: 77.5g
食塩相当量 : 0.01g

保存方法, 直射日光・高温多湿を避け涼しいところで保管して下さい。開封後はしっかり密閉保管の上お早めにご利用下さい。

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