(Daawat) Basmati Rice Everyday Gold 5kg

【Notice】We limit the purchase of rice to a maximum total of 20 kg per customer per month. (Limitations are subject to change depending on availability.)
We will contact you and cancel your order if we receive a large order of rice or if we determine that you are purchasing from multiple accounts.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation so that we can supply as many customers as possible.
Daawat Everyday Gold is the finest Basmati Rice in the mid-price affordable segment. Rozana Gold has 3/4th length of the basmati grains. It is specially processed for daily cooking across a multitude of regular dishes, a perfect fit for every day consumption. It promises a sweet taste and rich aroma as each grain is naturally aged.
10056 Daawat Everyday Gold 5Kg Indian Basmati Rice
原産国, インド
原材料, 複数原材料米:インド産10割
原材料に含まれるアレルギー物質 (28品目中):該当なし
保存方法, 直射日光・高温多湿を避け涼しいところで保管して下さい。開封後はしっかり密閉保管の上お早めにご利用下さい。
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