(Ambika) Sweet Fennel 100g

SKU: 27051
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Multi Colored Sugar Coated Fennel Seeds consumed after meals. It is made using 100% natural food colors.
Why Ambika
Ambika Sweet Fennel is unadulterated, premium quality, hygienically packed and free from any foreign matter and preservatives.
Where to use
It is widely used as a mouth freshener, especially after meals.
Fennel is a good source of fibre.
Also Known as
Sugar Coated Saunf
Why Ambika
Ambika Sweet Fennel is unadulterated, premium quality, hygienically packed and free from any foreign matter and preservatives.
Where to use
It is widely used as a mouth freshener, especially after meals.
Fennel is a good source of fibre.
Also Known as
Sugar Coated Saunf
原産国, インド
原材料, 砂糖、フェンネル / 着色料(クロロフィル、アナトー色素、ターメリック色素)、香料
原材料に含まれるアレルギー物質 (28品目中):該当なし
(27051)(Ambika) Sweet Fennel 1kg(Indian Mouth Freshner)
名称 :菓子
栄養成分表示 (100g当たり)
熱 量 :250kcal
たんぱく質 :3g
脂 質 :0g
炭水化物 :59g
食塩相当量 :0.8g
保存方法, 直射日光・高温多湿を避け涼しいところで保管して下さい。開封後はしっかり密閉保管の上お早めにご利用下さい。
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