(Ambika) Frozen Punjabi Samosa 360g (12pcs)

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Punjabi Samosa is a deep fried pastry with a spiced filling usually made with potatoes, green peas, spices and herbs. Flaky and crunchy fried samosa are one of the most popular snack in North Indian cuisine. They are hugely popular & loved by everyone. In India, Samosas make their appearance everywhere, as a street food, as party snack, restaurants and even in cafe.
Why Ambika
Ambika Frozen Punjabi Samosa is premium quality, hygienically packed and free from any foreign matter, artificial color, flavor and preservatives. It is frozen using the Individual Quick Frozen (IQF) technology to lock the freshness.
Where to use
Ambika Frozen Punjabi Samosa is an instant snack just bake it or fry it and its ready to serve, its made by authentic recipe and can be served with any Ambika chutney or sauces like Ambika Coriander Mint chutney, Ambika green chili sauce and/or Ambika Tamarind sauce.
原産国, インド
原材料, じゃがいも、衣(小麦粉、植物油脂、食塩)、植物油脂、グリーンピース、しょうが、コリアンダーの葉、にんにく、ガラムマサラ (ミックススパイス)、青唐辛子、ミントの葉、食塩、フェンネルシード、クミンシード、ブラックソルト、アサフェティダ
原材料に含まれるアレルギー物質 (28品目中):小麦
(50004)(Ambika) Frozen Indian snacks Punjabi Samosa 360g (12pcs)
名称 :冷凍サモサ (インド惣菜)
栄養成分表示 (100g当たり)
熱量 :215.3kcal
たんぱく質 :7.0g
脂質 :9.3g
炭水化物 :25.8g
食塩相当量 :0.9g
保存方法, マイナス18度以下で冷凍保管してください。
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