(Ambika) Mango Pulp 850g

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Mango Pulp is prepared from fully ripe high qulaity selected garden fresh Ratnagiri alphonso mangoes which are washed, blanched, deseeded and pulped. The pulp is thick, sweet, golden yellow in color. This process ensures the natural flavor and aroma of mango is retained in the final product.
Why Ambika
Ambika Mango Pulp is made from Alphonso Mango , Hygeinically Packed, Free from artifical colours & preservatives.
Where to use
Mango pulp can be used to make mouth watering milkshakes, smoothies, mango cheesecakes, mango tarts and several beverages. It can be used in puddings and as a delicious topping on your favourite ice creams. Mango being a seasonal fruit, Mango pulp can help your cravings during any time of the year.
Mango is packed with nutrients.
Also Known as
Mango Puree
原産国, インド
原材料, マンゴー、砂糖、クエン酸
原材料に含まれるアレルギー物質, 原材料に含まれるアレルギー物質 (28品目中):該当なし
(26005)(Ambika) Alphonso Mango pulp 850g(puree)
名称 :マンゴーパルプ
エネルギー:110 Kcal
タンパク質 :0.4 g
脂質:0.1 g
炭水化物:27 g
食塩相当量:0.01 g
保存方法, 直射日光を避け常温で保存し、開封後はガラス容器などへ移して冷蔵庫で保管しお早めにお召し上がり下さい。
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