(Ambika) Rajma Chitkabra 1kg

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Rajma chitkabra, also known as speckled kidney beans, or pinto beans, is a legume native to the region of Kashmir, and is commonly used in traditional Indian cuisine. These beans are naturally dried and are available throughout the year. They are reddish brown in color and have a kidney like shape. They have a very strong taste and are used in both hot and cold recipes.
Why Ambika
Ambika Rajma Chitkabra a premium quality, bold size, sortex clean, hand picked sorted and ready to use rajma. It gives an authentic taste of Indian chitkabra rajma.
Where to use
Rajma Chitkabra is used to make sabji and curry to goes great with rice.
Rajma Chitkabra promotes weight loss if included in regulated diet and aids digestion too.
Also Known as
Rajma Chitra, Speckled Kidney beans, Pinto beans
原産国, インド
原材料, ラジマ
原材料に含まれるアレルギー物質 (28品目中): 該当なし
保存方法, 直射日光・高温多湿を避け涼しいところで保管して下さい。開封後はしっかり密閉保管の上お早めにご利用下さい。
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