(Amul) Pure Ghee 1ltr
Ghee is very healthy for our body. 1 spoon a day of Ghee keeps you fir & strong in this fast life where we need to be active & energetic always. Ghee can consumed for better digestion. Ghee stimulates muscle movements, strengthen the sense organ, nourish the skin and improves complexion. Ghee is good source of energy and provides vitality to human body. Amul Ghee is made from fresh cream and it has typical rich aroma and granular texture. Amul ghee is an ethnic products made by dairies with decades of experience, and rich source of Vitamin A,D,E and K.
原産国, インド
原材料, 乳脂肪
(22001)Indian Butter Oil Ghee Amul 1lt
エネルギー:814 Kcal
タンパク質 :0 g
脂質:99.7 g
炭水化物:0 g
食塩相当量:0 g
保存方法, 直射日光・高温多湿を避け涼しいところで保管して下さい。開封後はお早めにご利用下さい。
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