Sweet Potato recipe

Add a little effort to create a new taste ♪ Sweet potato chaat & halwa (recipe included) 🍠

Jan 03, 2023

A great vegetable that will warm you up with its sweetness during the harsh cold of winter.sweet potato🍠

Roasted sweet potatopuffed sweet potatodried yamThey entertain us in a variety of ways.

Even in North India, there is a custom of eating sweet potatoes during the winter.

Why not take a little extra effort and try a new flavor?

Sweet Potato Chart (Shakarkandi Ki Chaat)

sweet potato chaat

① Cut the peeled puffed or roasted sweet potato into easy-to-eat pieces.

② Sliced ​​sweet potatoescumin powderKalanamak, add lemon juice and mix

*For 150g of sweet potatoes, please use 1/2 teaspoon each of cumin powder and kala namak, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

*Other recommended seasonings...

 ◇chat masala,lemon juice

 ◇sandwich masala,lemon juice

 ◇cumin powderarm tulle powder,lemon juice

◆If you want spicinessred chili powderPlease add as you like

■Sweet potato halwa (Shakarkandi ka halwa)

sweet potato halwa

① Mash the peeled puffed or roasted sweet potatoes.

② Heat the frying pan,GheeAdd and dissolve

③ Put the sweet potato from ① into the frying pan.GheeStir-fry for 3-4 minutes while stirring.

   ※Be careful not to burn the heat.

④ Add desired amount of sugar and milk to a frying pan and stir until the sugar is dissolved and incorporated.

green cardamom powder, of your choicenutsAdd and stir-fry for another 1-2 minutes and it's done.

*For 150g of sweet potatoes, please use 1 to 1.5 tablespoons of ghee, 1 to 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 to 3 tablespoons of milk, and 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon of green cardamom powder.

*You can also eat it with poori or paratha!

*Once you have turned off the heat and the fever has subsided, you can also roll it up and eat it like a laddu!

green cardamom holeIf you have it on hand, you can use it instead by removing the seeds and crushing them in a spice grinder or the corner of a jar, or chopping them finely with a knife.

Salty, sour and slightly spicy chaatHalwa is sweet and has a gentle aroma of ghee and cardamom., please try it!

*If you don't have sweet potatoes or don't like them,PumpkinI also recommend making it with ♪

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