
Diwali ~A celebration of hope, happiness, and bonds~

Oct 14, 2022

"Festival of Lights" known as Diwali/Deepavali is a New Year festival according to the Hindu calendar that is celebrated every year in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc.
in Sanskrit"Line of lanterns"or"Spread of light"means.

In India, Diwali is celebrated not only by Hindus, but also by Sikhism*, Jainism**, and some Buddhists.

Diwali celebrations usually last for 5 days, or 9 days depending on local customs.
There are various theories about the origin of Diwali, but in the famous Indian epic "Ramayana", it is said that Prince Rama, an incarnation of the god Vishnu, returned to the royal castle of Ayodhya after spending 14 years in the forest with his wife Queen Sita and younger brother Prince Lakshmana. It is famous that there is a story about celebrating this day, and that is how it became Diwali.


In 2022, Diwali will be on October 24th. Diwali is celebrated on the new moon day, the darkest day of the year when no moon appears.
Diya Various lights such as oil lamps, lanterns, and candles are lit during Diwali celebrations. It is said that this is to attract the goddess Lakshmi, who governs beauty, wealth, fertility, and good fortune, to visit people's homes to bring prosperity in the new year. It represents the victory of light over darkness = the victory of good over evil, and also means dispelling greed and bad habits.
celebrate god lakshmi"Lakshmi Puja"(Puja means worship) is one of the most important rituals performed during Diwali.


Diwali is also said to be the festival of 'giving' and 'forgiving'.
It is customary to send and share sweets, dried fruits, gifts, etc. with friends and family, to forget and forgive grudges and grievances, and to liven up the atmosphere of festivals and celebrations.


Diwali is said to be a good time for shopping, and from one month before Diwali, variousdiwali salestarts everywhere. Gold and silver jewelry, tableware, clothes... Economic activity is most active during the year.diwali seasonis!

Diwali is the festival of lights that celebrates hope, happiness, and bonds✨ Ambika wishes everyone happiness and prosperity!

*…Bind Chhor Divas. This festival commemorates the day when Guru Hargovin, the sixth founder of Sikhism, freed 52 imprisoned kings.
**...The day (death anniversary) of Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, achieved Nirvana (liberation from reincarnation).

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